Dynamic Analysis of Shrouded Steam Turbine Blade For Investigating Frequency Failure

Guttula Ramesh


A turning turbine edge is the section, which changes over the engine imperativeness of the streaming fluid into mechanical essentialness. As such the relentless nature of these edges is basic for the productive activity of a turbine. Turbine sharp edges experience fluctuating forces when they go through non-uniform fluid pour out of the fixed vanes.

The key arrangement thought is to avoid or to restrict the unique nerves made by the fluctuating forces. The mark of the endeavor is to evaluate the tensions occurring in the pack sharp edge of steam turbine in last stage in light of outward powers and steam curving forces.

The sharp edge, root and circle are shown autonomously in ANSYS group and they are amassed using obliged conditions. In the wake of giving the constrain conditions cyclic symmetric assessment conditions are associated and after that static and model examination are finished. After that Campbell and safe frameworks are plotted


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J.S.Rao, K.CH.Periah, Estimation of Dynamic Stresses in Last Stage Steam Turbine Blades under Reverse Flow Conditions.

J. Szwedowicz, R. Visser Paper on Nonlinear Forced Vibration of shrouded turbine blades.

Frank Kushner Rotating component modal analysis and resonance avoidance recommendations

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