Analyses of Stability and Power Flow in a Versatile Decentralized Generation System Using UPQC

M.V.Suresh Kumar, A. Raju, P. Arjun, B.Sai Balaji, B. Chinna Rao


An allocated generation machine that includes a single-level photovoltaic (PV) machine built into an integrated power quality conditioner (UPQC) is shown in this work. The UPQC serves as a bidirectional link between the DG system and either the grid or a micro grid. DG systems enable active power-line conditioning by injecting solar array-generated energy into the grid. A shunt inverter can be used to form an ac grid in islanded operation whether or not a power storage device is used. The PV-UPQC power flow must be thoroughly evaluated in order to gain a clear understanding of the system's overall performance and how the power converters should be formatted. This is why sizing curves are stated and introduced. Series and parallel inverters can be used to regulate and/or lessen the amount of power they process. For reducing conventional harmonic distortion, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) controller has been proposed in this study (THD). A thorough study of the PV-UPQC functioning reveals that inverters are powered by active power flow, which is consistent with the findings of the radical expertise. As a result, Dynamic Response's performance can be examined using simulations.


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