Reduced On_Chip Codeword Generation For Cross Talk Effect In Data Transmission Bus

S Venkataramana, N.G.N Prasad


Today we are having tremendous growth on cross technologies but these technology is limited on interconnected networks. We are having delay for these networks our major goal is prune delay this type of networks but it is dependent on data transmission patterns. Existing bus encoding techniques tackle the issue by avoiding certain types of transitions. These are lack performance and capabilities. Previously proposed many systems these are despite systematic data words on code words. We verify the categorization of the FPF-CAC and show that theoretically but not and practically, a mapping scheme exists between the data words and code words. Our proposed CODEC practical and logical representative design offers a near optimal area overhead performance. An improved version of the CODEC is then presented, which achieves practical optimal performance.  This work proposes a code word generation method for such techniques are giving delivers improved rate and reach performance, advanced diagnostics capabilities, standby modes, and more to broadband designers. The system gives effective experimental results.


CODEC, crosstalk, pruning, shielding.


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