Method To Prevent Re-Identification Of Individual Nodes By Combining K-Degree Anonymity With L-Diversity

M Vamsi Krishna, K V.V.S.Narayana Murthy


A range of privacy models as well as anonymization algorithms have been developed. In tabular micro data some of the no responsive attributes called quasi identifiers can be used to reidentify individuals and their sensitive attributes. When publishing social network data graph structures are also published with equivalent social relationships. As a result it may be oppressed as a new means to compromise privacy. ITH the rapid growth of social networks such as Face book and LinkedIn more and more researchers establish that it is a great opportunity to get hold of useful information from these social network data such as the user behavior, community growth, disease spreading etc. Though it is supreme that published social network data should not disclose private information of individuals. Therefore how to protect individual’s privacy and at the same time protect the utility of social network data becomes a challenging topic. In this paper we believe a graph model where each highest point in the graph is associated with a sensitive label.


Social networks, privacy, anonymous.


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