Indian Museums in Community Identity and Development: A Critical Study

V. Ashok Vardhan


Museums are complex
institutions of integration of cultures; tangible
and intangible traditions exhibit the man and
nature relationship and promote education and
research activities. And in elaborating manner,
the Museums stand for the holistic presentation
of various tribal and folk populations in the
systematic way of socio-cultural economic and
technological aspects. It focuses not just
specifically on a particular community, or
subject; trend or theme; and tradition or
technology, but always presents the unbiased
aspects of the past and present of the existed and
existing societies. And through its activities,
museum plays a vital role in presenting the
equality and dignity of all cultures in parallel
developmental approach for their preserving the
cultural identity. Thus, museums have come up
with people’s aspirations and inspirations in
terms of promoting and safeguarding the various
communities on single platform.


Calture, musem


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