Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Fed Drive by Using High Voltage Gain DC-DC Boost Converter

Muralidhar A, Peddakapu K


D.C. motors are seldom used in ordinary applications because all electric supply companies furnish alternating current. However, for special applications such as in steel mills, mines and electric trains, it is advantageous to convert low value of DC into high value of DC in order to use D.C. motors controlled by power electronic apparatus. Here the DC motor is controlled power electronic converters through RES system. The renewable energy sources such as PV modules, fuel cells or energy storage devices such as super capacitors or batteries deliver output voltage at the range of around 15 to 40 VDC. A boost converter is used to clamp the voltage stresses of all the switches in the interleaved converters, caused by the leakage inductances present in the practical coupled inductors, to a low voltage level. Overall performance of the renewable energy system is then affected by the efficiency of step-up DC/DC converters with closed loop control action, which are the key parts in the system power chain. This paper presents a dc-dc power converter integrated closed loop system to attain high stability factor in such a way to obtain, in a single stage conversion fed DC motor drive. This review is mainly focused on high efficiency step-up DC/DC converters with high voltage gain. The results are obtained through Matlab/Simulink software package.


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