Dynamics Of Multi layered Composite Shell With Shape Memory Alloys

B.Venkateswa Rao, I.Vinod Babu, V.V. Subba Rao, J Hari Narayana Rao


The use of different composite materials has been continuously growing in recent years. Although many applications for composite materials have been identified. Extensive research is still being carried out in order to expand this field. New materials and technologies have been researched. One such new application is the integration of shape memory materials within composite materials.

In this study certain aspects of the dynamic behavior of a multilayered composite shell with shape memory alloy (SMA) wires have been investigated. The influence of SMA wires, the orientation and the thickness to diameter ratio and different boundary conditions, on changes in critical load, the natural frequencies and modes of vibration of the shell have been studied and discussed in the present study. The results presented are obtained by the use of finite element method. The analysis both static and modal has been carried out using ANSYS 12.0.

The shape memory alloys possess the inherent ability to change their material properties in particularly their young’s modulus, damping capacity as well as great capacity for the generation of large internal forces. Integrating SMA’s within composite material structures potentially allow the active control of certain static and dynamic behaviour of the integrated structures. Precise tuning of SMA components enables the control of certain static and dynamic characteristics of composite material structures, notably deflections and shape, natural frequencies and modes of vibrations.

SMA components embedded into or bonded to composite material structures can be utilized in two different ways. They are Active Property Tuning Method and Active Strain energy Tuning Method. These techniques induces a special property in SMA components integrated with appropriate composite material structures leads to high generation of high recovery stresses.


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