Design and Optimization of Fin Tube Evaporator By Varying Different Parameters

Bansi Guduri, Bikkavolu Jogarao, J.Hari Narayana Rao


Evaporator is useful in air-conditioning or refrigerating to allow a compressed cooling chemical to evaporate from liquid to gas. This process is extensively use in many applications.

In this paper, dissimilar shapes of fins in fin tube evaporator are modeled in 3D modeling software Pro/Engineer. The fins considered are rectangular fin, circular fin a internal finned. The mass flow rate and heat transfer rate are analyzed by CFD analysis completed in ANSYS. CFD analysis is completed by varying fluids R134A, R22 and R410 on all the models.

The inputs of CFD analysis are velocity and pressure and the results determined are Pressure, Velocity, Mass Flow Rate, Heat Transfer Rate and Heat Transfer Coefficient.


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