A Novel Approach of FPGA Implementation of Transceiver System

P.Lokaranjan rao, K.Supreem Babu


This work given a innovative model to design an efficient wireless system which helps to integrate this with other technologies at a low cost. The system read analogue information by a biomedical sensor which is attached to the patient. The recorded data are converted digitally using analogue-to-digital converter and sent to transmitter through field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). VHDL has been used to implement the required functions of the FPGA, such as bus interfacing, data buffering, compression and data framing. The compression of data is done with RLE and it is so efficient. On the other hand, Simulink software has been used to model and simulate FPGA transmitter/receiver.  The overall performance of the system has been verified by a well developed simulation model.




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