Performance Evaluation of Gene Based Ontology Using Attribute Selection Methods

B. Revathi, M.V.R Narasimha Rao


With the mounting quantity of ageing-related data on model organisms obtainable on the web, in specific linked to the heredities of ageing, it is opportune to smear data mining methods to that data, in instruction to attempt to determine novel patterns that may backing ageing research. The foremost new facet of the proposed feature selection methods is that they adventure hierarchical relationships in the set of features Gene Ontology terms in order to progress the prognostic exactness of the Naive Bayes and 1-Nearest Neighbor (1-NN) classifiers, which are castoff to pigeonhole model organisms’ genes into pro-longevity or anti-longevity genes. The marks show that our hierarchical feature selection methods, when used organized with Naive Bayes and 1-NN classifiers, get advanced prognostic correctness than the normal deprived of feature selection.


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