Table of Contents
A Hybrid Multilevel Inverter DSTATCOM Topology to Compensate Reactive Power for Nonlinear Loads | PDF [Full Text] |
Duggirala Ajay Kumar, M Ramesh | 064-068 |
Enhanced aggregate signature scheme for secure data verification in wireless sensor network | PDF [Full Text] |
Rentala Mounika, Nadella Sunil | 069-072 |
Passmatrix: efficient authentication mechanism to protect user data | PDF [Full Text] |
M Laxmi Usha, P Radhika Krupalini | 073-075 |
Efficient overlaynodes selection for data transmission through multipath in network | PDF [Full Text] |
Damisetty Bhagya Tulasi, V. Aditya Ramalingeswararao | 076-079 |
Elimination of deduplication and reduce communication overhead in cloud | PDF [Full Text] |
Pantham Naveen Kumar, Nadella. Sunil | 080-083 |
Efficient clustering and document retrival by query keywords | PDF [Full Text] |
Pendyala Santhosh Krishna, Nadella Sunil | 084-087 |
Efficient verification of trustiness and authentication of query answers in cloud | PDF [Full Text] |
Ch Mamatha Devi, V. Aditya Ramalingeswar Rao | 088-090 |
Efficient enhanced keyword search for encrypted document in cloud | PDF [Full Text] |
Bandaru Akhila, N. Aditya Ramalingeswararao | 091-094 |
Improve the Performance of Cluster Head and Network Life time Using Fuzzy Logic | PDF [Full Text] |
Adabala Krishna Prathyusha, V. Aditya Ramalingeswar Rao | 095-098 |
A Novel Mechanism for Multipath Routing in MANET | PDF [Full Text] |
Yakkali Venkateswara Gupta, Nadella Sunil | 099-102 |
Improve query response time and reduce CPU cost in web search | PDF [Full Text] |
N Devi, P.Radhika Krupalini | 103-105 |
Efficient evaluation of range queries over spatial data by clients | PDF [Full Text] |
Pilli Satya Veni, Nadella. Sunil | 106-108 |
A New Enhanced Technique for Identify Node Failure With Optimal Path In Network | PDF [Full Text] |
Nokku Asha Jyothi, Nadella Sunil | 109-112 |
Preventing DDOS Attack by Dynamic Path Identifiers In Internet | PDF [Full Text] |
Ananth Teja, V.Aditya Ramalingeswararao | 113-117 |
Efficient Query Processing For Integrity and Privacy Validation In WSN | PDF [Full Text] |
N Mounika, Nadella Sunil | 118-121 |
Efficient User-Question Mapping Technique For Relevant Answer Retrieval | PDF [Full Text] |
K Sri Vijaya, P. Radhika Krupalini | 122-125 |
Efficient and Secure Routing In Network Layer For MANET | PDF [Full Text] |
Lona Samuel James, P.Radhika Krupalini | 126-129 |
Infer The Relevance Of Key Factors Over Twitter Trending Topics | PDF [Full Text] |
T sudharjini, Nadella. Sunil | 130-133 |
Efficient Database Outsource to Twin Cloud With Security and Privacy | PDF [Full Text] |
P Ammeswararao, V. Aditya Ramalingeswar Rao | 134-137 |
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