ntra cluster similarity of clique by positive and negative objects
is a challenge in now a days. Finding of good
clusters is a big problem for the researchers. The
outlier detection of clusters and finalize about the
noisy data also an important thing in
highdimensional data sets. In this paper it is
researched about intracluster similarity of clusters
with respect to occurrence of positive and negative
objects through RandIndex. There are many
methods are present to find good clusters from the
high dimensional datasets like BIRCH, CLARA,
CLIQUE ( Clustering in Quest ) is a dimensionGrowth
subspace clustering method is used to find
clusters. Here the process starts at single
dimensional subspaces grows upward to higher
dimensional ones. After finding the clusters from
CLIQUE, with a user defined threshold value the
occurrence of positive and negative objects are
also found and it compares with the entropy of
positive and negative objects with the value of
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