Confidential Data with Safeguard Access Control in distributed Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a safeguard technology which means that privileging permissions for the users  and stowing of data on world wide web. Mainly cloud computing focus on Protection and mystery represent major concerns in the acceptance of cloud technologies for data insertions . A major issue is how to safe access control policies such that 2 layer encryption can be achieved internally. Solve  these problem by using this proposed in the decentralization process in two layer broadcast encryption schema, by eliminate the group manager preliminary unit of the set, with an advantage of the addition of supporting members to the coordination, does not want any central authorization. Our model is represent AES method for secrecy data management purpose and it will provide accuracy data for authorised person only .That person get main key for access the data this key will be produced by key generation algorithm. In this we are having like search engine. This engine defends on cloud previous engines not provide accurate info and also previous technologies provides inaccurate info and secure data retrieved unauthorised also.    Our coordination assures the confidentiality of the data and preserves the privacy of users from the cloud although delegating most of the access power enforcement to the cloud. Existing market inclination need Products to be developed at elevated swiftness. To meet those requirements sometimes it requires collaboration between the organizations. Since of the proficient services that are being obtainable by the cloud service providers today, lots of business organizations started compelling advantage of cloud services. Specifically, Cloud computing enables a new form of service in that a service can be realized by components provided by different enterprises or entities in a collaborative manner. Contributing parties are commonly loosely connected and they are responsible for managing and protecting resources/data consign to them. Such situation demands advanced and modern mechanisms for better security and privacy protection of data shared among multiple participating parties. In this, we are presented access control policy. This policy is included priveligation function and accurate info function. Our contribution is mainly focus on assures the confidentiality of the data and preserves the privacy of users.
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