A High Step Up Converter With A Voltage Multiplier Module For A Pv System
A novel high step-up high-efficiency interleaved converter with voltage multiplier module for renewable energy system, is proposed in this paper. A new voltage multiplier module composed which is having switched capacitors and coupled inductors, with its combination a conventional interleaved boost converter obtains high step-up gain without operating at extreme duty ratio is designed. This proposed converter reduces the current stress and also reduces constrains the input current ripple, which decreases the conduction losses and lengthens the lifetime of the input source. Hence, large voltage spikes across the main switches are reduced, and hence the efficiency will be improved. Even the low voltage stress makes the low-voltage-rated MOSFETs be adopted for reductions of conduction losses and cost. The proposed circuit designed with 40-V input voltage, 380-V output, and 1000-W output power in the MATLAB/SIMULINK software, and is operated to verify its performance. The highest efficiency is 97.1%.
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