Design and Implementation of Swarm Robotics for Load Controlling Applications

B. Praveen kumar


The present era, where technology is making its way to the zenith, there is no requirement for human to do every small aspect that helps him support this survival. There is no requirement for humans the lift heavy loads and to meet up their consequences such as backbone injuries etc..,. It is these small functionalities that can be done by the extra-terrestrials namely Robots. Swarm Robots is a developing technology. The word “Swarm†refers to working as a group. We have four robots in which there is a master and three other robots. The robots are generally classified into two namely i) Explorer Robots and ii) Carrier Robots. The explorer robots first traverse through the entire path from the source to the destination. They send the information about the terrain to the carrier robots and they act accordingly. Thus the slave works according to the commands of the master. They are designed in such a way to undergo location even on rough terrains. Thus the tasks get accomplished easily in a much more effective way. particular object. So this increases the security along with reducing the burden.


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