A New Algorithm for Distributed Generator (DG) Placement and Sizing for Distribution Systems

Krishna Chaithanya U, Sreenivasulu M, Jan Bhasha SK


In today’s distribution grids the number of distributed generation units is increasing rapidly. Combined heat and power (CHP) plants and wind turbines are most often installed. Integration of these DG units into the distribution grid leads to planning as well as operational challenges. In this paper proposed a new algorithm for Distributed Generator (DG) placement and sizing for distribution systems based on a novel index. The index is developed considering stable node voltages referred as power stability index (PSI). A new analytical approach is adopted to visualize the impact of DG on system losses, voltage profile and voltage stability. The proposed algorithm is tested on 12-bus, modified 12- bus and 69-bus radial distribution networks. The test results are also compared and found to be in close agreement with the existing Golden Section Search (GSS) algorithm.


FACTS, optimal location, Power flow, UPFC


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