Determining The Most Comprehensive Method of Material’s Handling For Fabricated Ship’s Blocks

Trisno Susilo, Elvis adril


The common method to fabricate a ship inshipyard is by fabricating panels than assemble as ablock which also widely known as Prefabricatedmodule blocks. Therefore Materials Handling in thisjournal is refer to the process to collect and transportthe fabricated blocks to erection ground or dry dock orin short term we call as Materials Handling for theBlocks. PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard, one ofbiggest shipyard at Tanjungbalai Karimun, Province ofKepulauan Riau located at Teluk Paku Kec. MeralBarat, Tanjung Balai Karimun started operation on17 March 1997. The main activity of this shipyard isNew Builder of Ships and Off-shore’s Oil Rigs besidecontinue her services on Ship afloat repair and TankCleaning. Base on the Main activity of this company,researcher concluded that this company is the bestplace for research sand study on the subject. On thisjournal the writer combine the basic theory ofMaterials Handling and the common practical ofmaterial handling on the ship building industryespecially for the fabricated blocks. Starting from thelifting, transporting and unloading from the transporterto joint with other blocks on erection stage. Byapplying Descriptive-analytical Method, this journaldetermine the most effective and efficient way onMaterials Handling of Fabricated blocks on ShipBuilding process which will contribute to minimizethe time taken and wastage manpower in order toboost the company’s profit, especially for PT.Karimun Sembawang Shipyards and any othershipyards in general which have the similar activities.


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