An Efficient Intrusion-Detection Mechanisms To Protect Manet From Attacks

S Rajeswari, A Ramamurthy, K.T.V Subbarao


The self-configuring ability of nodes in MANET absolutes it admired among essential mission applications like military use or emergency recovery. The mobility and scalability carried by wireless network ended it possible in many applications.  Surrounded by all the contemporary wireless net- works Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) is one of the most significant and exclusive applications. In this paper a qualified learns of Secure Intrusion- Detection Systems for determining malicious nodes and attacks on MANETs are presented. Due to some special characteristics of MANETs prevention mechanisms alone are not sufficient to handle the secure networks.  One of the main advantages of wireless networks is its capability to permit data communication between different parties and still maintain their mobility. However this message is incomplete to the range of transmitters. This means that two nodes cannot converse with each other when the distance between the two nodes is further than the communication range of their own. MANET solves this difficulty by allowing intermediate parties to transmit data transmissions. This is achieved by dividing MANET into two types of networks namely single-hop and multi hop. In a single-hop network all nodes within the same radio range communicate directly with each other.


Digital signature, digital signature algorithm (DSA), Enhanced Adaptive ACKnowledgment (AACK) (EAACK), Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET).


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