Long Term Evolution and its Handover Mechanism

Ihtesham ul Haq, Zia Ur Rahman, Muhammad Faisal, Shahid Ali


LTE technology wascommercially introduced byTeliaSonera in Norway in December2009. The abbreviation of LTE is Long Term Evolution.It is the third generation partnership project(3GPP).It is also developed widely by international organization.LTE is developed to support both the time division duplex technology(TDD) as well as historical information. The Architecture of high level network technology LTE is obtained from the three main point’s 1.The user Equipment, 2.The Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network(E_UTRAN)and 3rd is the (EPC)Evolved PacketCore.Handover mechanism is published to be used in 3GPP LTE in orderto reduce the complexity of LTE Network architecture.The Standards isdeveloped by3GPP and is specie in its release 8 document series, LTE is the natural upgrade path forbid GSM/UMTS networks and CDMA200 networks.A critical task for operators is to plain LTE network layer independently without losing the cooperation.


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